Techibits Custom Logo Designs Tailored for You

Techibits Custom Logo Designs Tailored for You (2)

Techibits Custom Logo Designs Tailored for You (3)

Discover the essence of your business, and let us craft the perfect logo design for you.

Unlock the potential of your business identity with our bespoke logo design services.

Elevate your brand with our hand-crafted logo designs that speak volumes about your business.

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About Us

Techibits is a leading software house based in Pakistan with clients worldwide. We provide comprehensive IT software solutions and brand architecture services, focusing on creativity since 2009.



At Design Majesty, we work as a full-fledged software house that provides every service which can help your business grow.

Logo Design & Branding

Our expert designers are keen to create designs for business success. Their passion for designing is impeccable, backed by years of experience in the field. The designs they make accurately matches your desires. We believe in crafting logo design and branding in a way that reflects the core values and nature of your business. Our main goal is to unlock opportunities for your business, helping it reach the pinnacle of success.

Web Design

Our enthusiastic team at Design Majesty knows how to design websites that add immense value to the customer experience. Innovative solutions directed by a customer-centric approach enable our web design projects to become exemplary for your competitors. We understand full well that the customers today expect brands to be proactive, and we know how to cater to these demands well.

Video Animation

Video content is the future. Customers prefer videos over text and images. Whether you opt for 3D animation videos, 2D explainer videos, or live-action videos, we have the expertise to do it all. Videos boost conversion rates by 80%. We make sure to create concise videos, convey the message accurately, and bring you the best kind of conversions you deserve.

Digital Marketing

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Check the level of creativity, Our team has achieved with collaborative teamwork.

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

UX, Website Design
UX, Website Design

Company Case Study

Plans and Pricing

We offer reasonable prices for premium design and development services that will boost your business value.


For Enterprise Company

  • Free Custom Domain
  • Unlimited Boost Power
  • Mobile-Optimized Website
  • Lifetime Usages

For Agency & Company

  • Free Custom Domain
  • Unlimited Boost Power
  • Mobile-Optimized Website
  • Lifetime Usages

For Big Company & Team

  • Free Custom Domain
  • Unlimited Boost Power
  • Mobile-Optimized Website
  • Lifetime Usages

For Big Company & Team

  • Free Custom Domain
  • Unlimited Boost Power
  • Mobile-Optimized Website
  • Lifetime Usages
Get Your Brand Recognized In The Best Possible Way

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Why Us

Your satisfaction is our topmost priority. We provide revisions until you are 100% satisfied with our services. At Design Majesty, we treat you like our Majesty.

Industry-Based Niche Designers

We have an entire team that has plenty of experience in several industries. So whichever industry your business belongs to, we possess in-depth knowledge.

Unlimited Revisions

You can have as many revisions as you want until you are delighted with our work.

100% Refund Policy

There is nothing we want more than your happiness, and if you do not like our services (that’s highly impossible, though), we will refund 100% of your money back.

One Stop Shop

We provide every digital and design service that takes your business to the next level, from custom logo design to website development and video animation.

Techibits can create incredible persuasive marketing campaigns and websites due to its strategic thinking and tactical expertise.

We provide a comprehensive set of IT software solutions services to help you maximise your company's online potential and attract new customers. The following are ways that Techibits can assist businesses through IT software solutions services across business applications and data analytics.


Work with Techibits to create the best future for your business!

Works About

Trusted by 500+ Happy Customers

Techibits is a fast-growing company that provides the most reliable and customer-centric technology solutions. Over the last few years, we have earned the trust of a significant number of people by completing multi-dimensional transformations with strong management capabilities and market knowledge.

Our success truly depends on delivering the most exemplary possible service to our valued clients and helping them achieve their business success.

  • 100% Client Satisfaction
  • Top Class Software Engineers

Our Plans

1200+ User Feedback

Limbon N. Nelson

“ Our award-winning US-based experts are available to
help when you get stuck anytime day or night here is ready.
Get an amazing experience in team. ”

Limbon N. Nelson

Founder, Romdon Co.
Limbon N. Nelson

“ Our award-winning US-based experts are available to
help when you get stuck anytime day or night here is ready.
Get an amazing experience in team. ”

Limbon N. Nelson

Founder, Romdon Co.
Limbon N. Nelson

“ Our award-winning US-based experts are available to
help when you get stuck anytime day or night here is ready.
Get an amazing experience in team. ”

Limbon N. Nelson

Founder, Romdon Co.
Limbon N. Nelson

“ Our award-winning US-based experts are available to
help when you get stuck anytime day or night here is ready.
Get an amazing experience in team. ”

Limbon N. Nelson

Founder, Romdon Co.


Project On Your Mind. Let Us...

RimJim Plaza, Suite No. 305, Block 6, Near Disco Bakery, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan.(+92) 3333676305
(+92) 3453227128